Sunday 5 April 2015

Toxoplasmosis Vs Lymphoma

It’s some times challenging to differentiate Toxoplasmosis Vs Lymphoma imagingwise as both of these are common in immune compromised patients, again its one of favorite questions in FRCR 2A.

Sure differentiation is out of imaging consensus however the combination of following set of findings can be used to give a more likely possibility of one over other.

Hypo dense to hyper dense lesion on CT, involvement of Basal ganglia, intra lesional bleed or hemosiderin staining on MRI GRE, Multiplicity of lesions, Rim enhancement on Contrast, an associated eccentric nodule goes in favor of Toxoplasmosis over Lymphoma.

Whereas hyper dense lesion on CT,  involvement of Peri ventricular white matter, an associated sub ependymal spread of lesion, Single lesion, Homogenous enhancement in immune component and rim enhancement in immune compromised goes in favor of Lymphoma over Toxoplasmosis.

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