Saturday 29 June 2013

Plexiform Neurofibroma MRI

A 20 y o female.
MRI Pelvis
Sequences: Cor STIR, T1WI. Axial STIR and T2WI.
This MRI study reveals T2 hyper intense multi lobulated / conglomerate masses along right sided exiting sacral nerve roots in pre sacral region, extending along sacral nerve at greater sciatic notch deep to Gluteal muscles.

Imaging wise possible diagnosis: Plexiform Neurofibroma.

Excisional biopsy done.

Histo pathology Report

Gross appearance : The specimen consist of multiple fusiform, globular yellowish white nodular tissue together measuring 6x4cm. The nodules appear encapsulated with overall rubbery consistency. The cut section shows dull yellowish white appearance. Representative sections are submitted for processing. Codes A and B.

Microscopy : Sections A and B both show benign encapsulated neoplasm of peripheral nerve sheath origin, comprising interlacing fascicles. whorls and bundles of slender - spindle shaped cells having wavy elongated nuclei and scanty eosinophilic cytoplasm. The interstitial stroma shows variable myxoid change along with fatty tissue, congested blood vessels and residual mononuclear inflammatory infiltrates. There is no evidence of malignancy.

Final diagnosis : Neural Plexiform lesion_ Plexiform Neurofibroma.

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